The Beginning
In the year 2000, my mother had an inkling to start looking into her family’s genealogy. She simply wanted to know where her ancestors came from and where they settled. Many hours were spent combing the internet, looking through books and articles at various museums and libraries, and ultimately, my parents flew off to Sweden to see the homeland, visit new-found relatives, and of course pick through the records that are so diligently kept in the Swedish archives. Somewhere along Mom’s research trail, she came across an old plat drawing that showed a piece of land that her great, great grandparents, Lars and Katarina West, had homesteaded (December 5, 1884) when they emigrated from Västanå, Sweden. This homestead ended up staying in the family for three generations. Lars and Katarina gave the farm to their daughter, Christine Selena and her husband August Falk on the premise that they would allow Katarina to live the rest of her life with them. Along with taking care of Katarina, August and Christine went on to raise their family on this homestead. This land happened to be about 40 miles from where my parents were currently living in Minnesota.
Not long after finding the old plat, Mom was able to find an address that was currently listed as being on the property. Bud answered the phone when my mom called and he and his wife, Elvera, graciously welcomed my family to come up and see the farm. A few weeks later, my mom and several other members of the Falk family went to visit the farm for the first time (2009).

When my mom arrived at the farm with the family, they were welcomed by a long, pine tree-lined driveway that lead to a beautiful old farm, which included a giant windmill, a pole barn, an old wooden corn crib, a couple of metal corn cribs, an old white barn, a white granary that was as cute as a button, and a little brown farmhouse. Bud set my mom and the rest of the Falk clan free on the property so they could explore the grounds. I remember my mom telling me two particular things that really had an impact on her the first time she saw the farm: the first was that she found out that the barn had been built by her family in 1917 and was still in great shape; and the second was that many of the West and Falk names (along with the dates) had been etched into the old bricks on the barn inside the separator room (see Figure 1). Many of the names were etched in the early 1900’s. An incredible surprise! Now, there is one thing I remember my mom always saying to me when I was growing up: “I love old barns, and I could see myself living on a farm if I ever find one with an old barn in good shape.”

My parents went on to visit the farm two more times in the next few years. After the second visit my mom was fairly certain that if the farm ever went up for sale that she would like to buy it. A couple of weeks after the second visit, my mom asked my dad if he would be willing to move up to the farm if it should go up for sale. I can’t imagine how Dad’s face must have lit up at that moment. My dad has been dreaming of land, barns, and a workshop for years. Let’s just say that they made the call to Bud and his wife, Elvera, right away to tell them about their interest in the farm if Bud and Elvera should want to sell. Fast-forward about five years from the first time my mom visited the farm, and here is where that “everything happens for a reason” moment occurs.
Everything Happens For A Reason
Both of my parents had recently retired from their careers and had decided to fill much of their time with volunteering in state and national parks, wildlife refuges, and in any other location they could find where nature abounded. This particular year, they were working in a visitor center, completing maintenance projects, and teaching classes about butterflies to elementary-age children at the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge in Alamo, TX. They volunteered there for three months before they planned to slowly make their way back home visiting other parks along the way. Well, they ended up needing to come home early, so they decided to drive home in two days instead of the one-to-two weeks they had previously planned. Mom and Dad arrived home at about three o’clock in the morning on Sunday, March 23, 2014. The next day, Mom and Dad received a phone call from Bud. He was ready to sell the farm.
Soon after the phone call, Mom called me and told me about the phone call from Bud. I couldn’t quite tell if she was still tired from her long car ride back from TX, or if she was in disbelief about receiving a call about the farm going up for sale. I’m sure it was a little of both, but Mom told me that she really felt that they were supposed to be back from TX to get that phone call. God works in mysterious ways. Everything happens for a reason.
Early the following week, Mom and Dad drove up to the farm to meet with Bud, and to look at the farm yet again. I remember calling my parents when they were on their way home as I couldn’t wait to hear about how the day went (and of course to find out what they were thinking). Mom completely caught me off guard when she said, “I think we’re going to go for it! I think it’s just meant to be.” I don’t know why this was so shocking to me, but I think it was because I knew how much they loved their current house, location and most importantly, their neighbors. Not to mention that they would be going from a house in the suburbs to a 33-acre farm with many outbuildings, many things to maintain, and many updating projects too. But secretly, I was jumping up and down inside. I have always been a country girl at heart, dreaming of country living, and all I could think about was Christmas’ at the farm. My kids are going to love it!

Over the next few months, Mom and Dad went up to visit with Bud and his family several more times. My dad looked like a little kid in a candy shop every time he went to the farm. My mom fell in love with the old granary (see photo above) on the farm. The granary is still very solid, it has all of the old grain shoots in working order, old grain sacks still hang from the old log rafters, old license plates are tacked onto the walls, and yes, we found even more names and dates etched into the wooden walls. Mom loves the old door that opens on the front of the granary on the second level. She’s not quite sure what she wants to do with the upstairs yet, but she knows it’s going to be a special place for her to go and relax and maybe do something creative (Mom would find out later that her great-great-grandmother did all of her weaving on the old loom upstairs in the granary). Along with getting to know the farm better, Mom and Dad also got to know Bud and his family better.
Bud’s father, George, bought the farm from August and Christine Falk (my great-great-grandparents) on December 7, 1944. Quick note here: I marvel at how the Medins and the Wests (Lars and Katarina bought on December 5, 1884), my great-great-great grandparents, moved to the farm in the middle of our Minnesota winters, and I wonder if there was some reason for this. I can’t imagine moving, especially back then, in the cold and snow. Maybe they needed time to prepare for the up and coming growing season. Whatever it was, I respect the determination and strength it must have taken to move in such conditions. Anyway, back to the story. Bud and Elvera were the second generation to live on the farm and they went on to raise their three children on the farm too. The original West-Falk farmhouse was torn down in 1957, and Bud’s family built a new house in 1958. This is the house that remains on the farm today. My family could tell that Bud’s family really loved the farm and that it meant a lot to them. So much time spent at the farm, so much work put into the farm, so many memories made on the farm, and so many stories to tell. I know my parents have enjoyed hearing some of Bud’s stories and I hope I get a chance to enjoy them just the same.
Another comment my mom made about Bud really stuck with me. One day after visiting with Bud she said “Bud really reminds me of my grandpa Falk.” When I asked her “How so?” she replied: “He’s honest, pleasant, has a great memory, he is always sharp, and he has that ‘we’ll take care of that’ attitude.” Mom has commented several times on how much she enjoys sitting and talking with Bud. I know that her grandpa Falk was her favorite person to be around, so that says a lot about Bud. Is it a coincidence that Bud reminds Mom so much of her grandpa Falk, and that Bud and great-grandpa Falk lived on the exact same farm? The same farm my parents are now buying. Everything happens for a reason.
The Auction and Closing
On June 28, 2014 Bud and his family auctioned off almost everything at the farm. I was so excited to go up to the auction with my parents and my family. What I didn’t expect was the sadness that I also felt when I arrived at the auction. Why didn’t I think of it before? I’m not sure, but it sure hit me when I arrived and began seeing all of Bud’s family’s things being sold off to all the people who attended the auction. I remember looking around and not seeing Bud. I thought “I don’t know if I could watch all of my things go either.” Not long after I spotted Bud sitting in his old chair right up by the old, brown farmhouse. My mom went and talked to him right away and I heard him exclaim, “I sure am happy that the farm is going to you people. This is how it should be. The people in your family were the first ones here, so you should have it.” I know my mom had told me that Bud had said similar things in the past few months, so I sincerely hope that he felt some peace about selling his farm. He had, after all, lived on that farm for 70 years. Pretty incredible if you ask me.

The auction day couldn’t have gone any better. It was 80 degrees and sunny with a light breeze, the auctioneers were friendly and moved along at a good pace, everyone who attended the auction seemed to be in good spirits, and everything just felt comfortable. My dad ended up buying my daughter some antique glass chicken waterers for the chickens my family bought the following spring, he bought my son an old road grater Tonka toy that used to be one of Bud’s son’s, and Dad bought other fun antiques to display in the barn and granary. My favorite purchase of Dad’s was the old John Deere ride-on tractor toy he bought for his young grandchildren to use at the farm.
The hardest part of the day (and I think my mom would agree) was when Bud’s son backed in a trailer full of Bud’s furniture, that had once filled the little brown farmhouse, into the pole barn. Bud was watching this as he slowly made his way down to watch everything get packed up. Mom and I just looked at each other with tears in our eyes. Bud’s daughter said it best when she said that it was a “bittersweet day”. We left the auction with the excitement of living life on the farm, but also with a little bit of sadness for Bud’s family and the part of their lives that was coming to a close.
Two days later, on June 30, 2014, my parents met with Bud and his family to close on the farm. Everything went through without a hitch. After closing, Bud was his pleasant, sharp self and exclaimed “This has been fun!”. What a nice way to pass on the family farm to a new family. Even though the sale was final, I had a feeling that a new friendship was just starting between Bud’s family and our’s.
Mom and Dad picked out a new name for the farm. The name is Westfalcon Farm. The name West was chosen in honor of the West families in our family, and Falcon in honor of the Falk families. Falk stands for falcon in Swedish (Benjamin Olafson Falk b. 1805 was an honored military servant who was given the name Falk in Sweden). And so my parents have moved back to their roots and are beginning the next generation at Westfalcon Farm. I can’t wait to continue this story about living life on the farm at Westfalcon. Everything happens for a reason.
It’s great to have our history recorded in a very personal way. Many thanks, mom
It truly is my pleasure! I can’t wait to continue the Westfalcon journey.
What a great recount! Love a bit of family history!
Thank you, Ritu! I never knew how much I enjoyed history until this farm came into our lives. Thanks for reading!
I love family history. Thanks for sharing yours.
Thank you for reading and commenting, Lisa! I’ve found that family history is a passion of mine too. It’s a pleasure to share!
This was a great story! I am just diving into my family history and have gotten stuck. Maybe someday I will be as lucky as your folks and visit the countries of my ancestors birth. The farm is beautiful! It’s nice to take a step back in time and see such lovely buildings. I hope to see more about the renovations and projects that are have been done and are going to be done in the future!
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment, and for reading! Yes, I’m with you on that visiting the ‘homeland’ (as my family calls it). Visiting Sweden is on my bucket list.
And, some restorations have already taken place. New roofs have been put on the barn and granary (because they were leaking in spots), and a rear corner of the barn has been raised to level again. My family is keeping everything as original as possible. All of the original beams (logs) are still in great shape and fun to see as you explore the buildings. Anyhow, I look forward on writing about everything that is going on at the farm, and I’m happy you want to see more!
While personal histories don’t necessarily make it into formal research and textbooks, they are every bit as important in our history and I think that everyone should take the time to seek out their family history if possible! Great post!
I completely agree with all of your points, and thank you for your thoughts!!! My parents have made the farm into a small museum with plaques that tell the stories of the objects that have been found around the farm. Local history centers have taken an interest and have made several trips out to see the farm. We even had a group of ladies come out on a birthday expedition. This farm has definitely been special for our family, and we are still finding new treasures all the time. We are happy that others are finding the farm remarkable too. Thanks so much for reading!
What an incredible story. I can see why the auction would have been a bittersweet day, though. Love the photos, too!
Thanks so much, Ruth! Gosh, that auction was bittersweet. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the feeling I had that day. I’m happy to say that one of Bud’s sons and his wife are now very good friends of my parents. They live just across the field from each other, and they have game nights, go to music concerts together, go out for dinner, and just stop to say “Hi!” several times per week. Our families have a great relationship with each other, so I really do think that it was meant to be.
Thanks for reading!
You’ve done an awesome job of laying the groundwork for stories to come. This is an incredible bit of reclaiming a part of your family history with an homage to Bud and his family not as outliers, but as an integral part of what makes the story special. Property, after all, is ultimately a “thing.” It’s the experiences and relationships that make it so special and steeped in meaning. I already know I’ll enjoy reading all about your families adventures at Westfalcon Farm.
Thanks so much for the thoughtful commentary, Angela!!!
Great things have already come from purchasing the farm from Bud. My parents are now very good friends with one of Bud’s sons and his wife. They live just across the field from each other, so they see each other several times per week. I smiling now just thinking about how everything turned out. Bud has since passed away, but I’m sure he’s smiling down on all the events that have enfolded at Westfalcon Farm. Everything happens for a reason! Thanks for reading, friend! 
I’ve always been a fan of history, particularly world history and biographies of legendary people, as a source of inspiration and perhaps education. But this wonderful post sheds light on an often overlooked gem. Our own ties with the past have very real and lasting meaning. How (and where) our family planted its roots tells a great deal about us.
Loved this, and thank you for sharing!
Thank you, Gabe! After your kind response, I began thinking about history that is taught in schools, and wondered: What if teachers gave students the tools they needed to research their own family history. I wonder if this would capture students’ interests in their family history, and maybe even history in general? When I was younger, history was not an interest of mine, but I love it now! Anyway, you are very much correct in that we find meaning and important ties when we look into our past. And, I can’t believe how much I have learned from studying my family’s roots. Thanks so much for reading, and for getting my wheels turning once again.
Wonderful post…I see what you mean about chills, there is something wonderful about connecting with our relatives through time….I love the photos too..
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comment. Yes, those connections are just the best!
I find it curious that the title of this blog is Unbound Roots, yet this story proves that your roots go deep indeed. What an amazing, full circle, story. I grew up in a family that moved a lot. But as an adult, my husband and I have lived in the same house for 30 years. This last spring, my son purchased the property right beside us and is building a house for his new wife and soon to be new son. While I am over the moon about this, the amazing story behind this is that in 30 years living here, we had never once seen a single person on that property. The owners lived about 50km away in another town. They are elderly and had hoped one of their children would build on the land. When my son approached them and told them he grew up beside the property they had no hesitation selling it to him. It was almost like the land was waiting for him to grow up. Thanks for the great story.
Ahh… That gave me chills, Diana. Thank YOU for sharing your story. I really believe that some things are meant to be. Your story is one of them, I am sure.
Regarding my blog title, I named it Unbound Roots because if a plant’s roots are bound they are unable to spread and become deeply rooted. If they are unbound, they will be able to root deeply, producing a healthier plant. The title works well for my gardening posts and for the stories about the family farm where as you said our roots are indeed rooted deep.
I am so sorry that I somehow missed this post! The story of how your family built, left and then bought this farmhouse is all just sooo lovely! Did you all stay in contact with Bud and his family in the end?
Also, the new name for the farm is just so perfect!!
Thank you so very much, Josy! You’re going to love this: My parents are now best friends with one of Bud’s sons and his wife. Their property is on the back side of the farm (my parent’s) property. They have traveled together, they have game nights often, and they swing by to say hello all the time. Oh, and their dog, Nike, is a regular fixture at the farm.
Bud passed away a couple of years ago now, but my parents had him over often to have coffee. They heard many amazing farm stories from Bud.
My favorite is the story about a lamb who was born on one of the coldest Minnesota nights, and was found frozen solid. Bud wrapped the newborn in a towel and gently rubbed the lamb under a warming light. Sure enough, that baby’s heart started pumping again and lived a full life.
The family has also shared family pictures with my parents, which now hang inside the barn and granary with the stories beside them.
A perfect continuation to life at this farm if you ask me.
This is all sooo awesome! I love that the two families have become friends. I mean, you have so much shared history! <3
You are right, Erin, everything happens for a reason! Too many coincidences in your family’s story to believe otherwise. It would be one thing to have realized their dream by buying a random farm but to have had it happen in this way is truly remarkable. To be a part of a chain or passing of the baton rather than just an individual event.
I still get chills when I think about all that has happened since that phone call. My great-grandfather would love to see how the farm his parents built has brought family together – some we had never met – and how the entire property has been cherished. His memoirs have been invaluable in aiding in the discovery of new stories.
My parents have figured out where the old potato cellar was based on my great-grandfather’s notes, so digging that out is next on the list. Should be interesting!
Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment, Shannon!
I love this story of history and family and synchronicity. Imagine if your parents found out about the farm 20 or 30 years ago when the timing wasn’t right? Everything happened in the time it needed to happen.
That’s exactly right, Jennifer. I love the term “synchronicity”. I’ve been reading about it a lot within our awesome blogging group. It’s funny how often it comes up, but I do feel that there’s a reason for most things. Maybe that’s why the term surfaces so frequently.
Thanks so much for your kind words, Jennifer! So glad you enjoyed the story.
[…] parents moved to the family farm in 2014 – the same farm that the West family homesteaded on December 5, 1884. A few years after […]
[…] tickled pink – I really am! From Westfalcon Farm preparing for the Unique Boutique and Antiques Tour, to a cute pig, and another award nomination […]
[…] an hour here and there for myself. Yes, it’s great! When I first started writing I shared a story about my parents buying the family farm. The way my parents acquired the farm, and the connections they discovered still amaze me and give […]
[…] great-grandfather, Roy Falk, was an ardent writer, and many entries in his memoirs include horses, much to my surprise and pleasure. Some stories have brought me to tears – no […]
[…] only the walls could talk, what would they say? In my introductory post of Westfalcon Farm I mentioned that one of the things that had an impact on my mother the first time she saw the old […]
[…] sun bathes the weathered farm on this winter evening. The corn crib leans as if waiting for the perfect wind to finish its job. […]
[…] discovered that one of the homesteads still existed. Long story, short (you can read the full story here) – my parents ended up moving onto the farm, starting a tree farm, and are still unearthing […]
[…] wash over me as I gazed around the room. Here we were, sitting around the table as a family on the farm that my Swedish ancestors homesteaded in […]
[…] what a true community was. For the past year I have studied my great-grandfather’s (Roy Falk) memoirs in great depth. His words, as he reflects on his childhood, have started to stir up a sort of […]
[…] Westfalcon Farm has revealed many hidden treasures since my parents bought the family farm in the spring of 2013. Thanks to the well-kept journal of my great-grandfather, Roy Falk, we have been able to link the stories in his journals to treasures around the farm. One such treasure was my great-great-grandmother’s (Christine West Falk) weaving area that was left untouched in the upstairs of the granary. […]
[…] the owner of the family farm prior to when my parents had bought it, had woken up early one morning to start on the farm chores […]