Watercolor Wednesday: Fall Paintings

Stop in and view some of the fall-inspired paintings I’ve completed in the past couple of months. You’ll see a shy little hare, a hungry chipmunk, and more!

Grandpa: A Surprise Watercolor Painting

Last November we lost a special man in our lives. My husband’s grandfather, Norm, passed away just shy of his 91st birthday. It was a hard time as Norm has been a staple in our lives since I met my husband (23 year ago). But, for my husband, he has

Greeting Card Giveaway

Yes, you read it correctly! I’m hosting a greeting card giveaway right here on Unbound Roots. Last winter, my friend Angela, from You Are Awesome, suggested that I give away a pack of watercolor greeting cards. Angela has many great ideas (you need to check them out on her blog