Grandpa: A Surprise Watercolor Painting

Last November we lost a special man in our lives. My husband’s grandfather, Norm, passed away just shy of his 91st birthday. It was a hard time as Norm has been a staple in our lives since I met my husband (23 year ago). But, for my husband, he has

Can Contrails Predict Fishing Success?

My family likes walks. We walk almost every day – sometimes multiple times per day. The fresh air, exercise, time we get to spend chatting with each other, and the exciting things we see make every walk enjoyable and interesting. It’s our go-to way to get outside and get into

Watercolor Wednesday: Rainbow Trout

Due to my new-found love of watercolor painting, I have decided to devote more blogging posts to my paintings, so on the first Wednesday of every month I will feature a new painting along with the story behind the painting. Without further ado, today I am featuring a painting that my son requested as part of his ninth birthday gift – a rainbow trout.

The Lure of Fishing

“Mom, will you write a story about fishing this week?” asked my son as we were sitting at the dinner table earlier in the week. “What made you ask that? I asked him. “Well, you like to write about nature, and fishing is a ‘naturey’ thing.” he replied. I smiled