In just over a week “Bessie the Cow” was born. You can see her just inside of the door of the barn at Westfalcon Farm.
Family History
Community: The Fellowship of the 1920’s to the Ghost Towns of Today

This period between 1923 and the early thirties seems to me was the end of a rich community fellowship, the parties, and the ball teams of which each community had one… It was the end too of meetings at Larson’s Hall and these neighborhood times have never come back. ~
The Lure of Fishing

“Mom, will you write a story about fishing this week?” asked my son as we were sitting at the dinner table earlier in the week. “What made you ask that? I asked him. “Well, you like to write about nature, and fishing is a ‘naturey’ thing.” he replied. I smiled
A 1914 Ford Model T – Another Unbelievable Connection

Cornerstone Last April I decided to dive into writing – something I’ve wanted to do for years, but the time wasn’t right until now. My kids are now old enough to be more independent, so I have an hour here and there for myself. Yes, it’s great! When I first
The Horse: Why Do They Continue To Capture Our Hearts?

What is it about horses that capture the hearts of young children and adults alike?
Weaving a Story: A Journal, a Loom, and a Corn Cob Pipe

Some years, in the spring of the year, Mama would set up the carpet weave in the upstairs of the granary. This setting up of the weave took help, so Aunt Lizzie Falk would come out to help. Aunt Lizzie smoked a corn cob pipe and she stayed with us