One the Farm Milk Jar and Glass

On The Farm

On The Farm

Welcome to life on the farm: Where every memory is a treasured tale. Join our family journey as we share heartwarming stories, time-honored recipes, and rich historical narratives passed down through generations. Gather ’round as we invite you to experience the joys, challenges, and abundance of rural living.
"Morning Bugle" watercolor painting of a bugling bull elk in winter by Erin Burton

Watercolor Wednesday: Morning Bugle

Unbound RootsDec 19, 20246 min read

Watercolor Wednesday: Morning Bugle Hello! I can’t wait to share my newest painting, Morning Bugle, with you on this Watercolor Wednesday, but I owe you a quick explanation about where I’ve been: Where Have I Been? It’s been a minute…

For Life

For Life: A Watercolor Painting Portraying Love, Life, and Dancing

Unbound RootsFeb 28, 20215 min read

“For Life”, an original watercolor by Erin Burton, depicts two sandhill cranes dancing. The story within is one of love, life, and dancing.

Rump Bells of Christmas Past

Rump Bells of Christmas Past

Unbound RootsDec 14, 20204 min read

Antique rump bells, family history, and Christmas spirit intertwine in Erin’s newest story and original watercolor painting.

Swedish Dinner

Swedish Family Recipes

Unbound RootsAug 18, 20194 min read

I’m sharing my great-grandmother’s recipes for Swedish meatballs and rice pudding. Christmas dishes that are no longer reserved for Christmas because we like them that much.


Rescuing Gooseberry… Twice

Unbound RootsJun 8, 20197 min read

My family was in the throws of craziness about a month ago. The free soccer league that I founded last fall was beginning their spring practices, both kids had started soccer, my husband and I were coaching both of their…

TIckled Pink - Piglet Watercolor

I’m Tickled Pink

Unbound RootsApr 17, 20194 min read

I’m tickled pink – I really am! From Westfalcon Farm preparing for the Unique Boutique and Antiques Tour, to a cute pig, and another award nomination (not the Sunshine Blogger Award that I previously wrote on) – all have combined…

The Hat Thief

The Hat Thief

Unbound RootsMar 21, 20195 min read

The hat thief is tenacious, insistent, and unsympathetic. She’s motivated, resilient, and determined. When she sees a hat, and it’s within reach, there is nothing that will stop her from getting it. She is the best hat thief I have…

My Heart: A Special Project for Valentine’s Season

My Heart: A Special Project for Valentine’s Season

Unbound RootsFeb 11, 20194 min read

“Mom, have you seen my heart?” my daughter asked as she rounded the corner to go search in the kitchen. “The last time I saw it it was on your bed.” I replied. “Oh, that’s right!” she yelled as she…

More Than Just A Chicken: The Impending Death of Our Friend

More Than Just A Chicken: The Impending Death of Our Friend

Unbound RootsAug 5, 20185 min read

Nestled in a thick layer of straw in the corner of the chicken run you’ll find a chicken with bright gold feathers lying still; unnaturally still. If you look close enough you can see her densely feathered back rise and…

Treating Lily – Our Sick Chicken: Out of My Comfort Zone

Treating Lily – Our Sick Chicken: Out of My Comfort Zone

Unbound RootsJun 21, 20187 min read

“Mom, something is wrong with Lily.” I remember my daughter notifying me about Lily, one of our Easter Egger chickens, last week. Unfortunately, I had brushed it off at that moment. Last fall we lost one of our friendly chickens,…

Accomplishment, Cooperation, and Love: A Day of Working Together

Accomplishment, Cooperation, and Love: A Day of Working Together

Unbound RootsMay 20, 20187 min read

My family arrived at Westfalcon Farm just after noon – the sun was shining, a slight breeze was blowing across the open fields, but not hard enough to turn Mr. Squeaky (the 103-yr. old windmill that my children named), and…

grasshopper on dahlia flower

Thank YOU!: A Discover Feature, an Anniversary, and a Nomination

Unbound RootsApr 7, 20184 min read

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of my blog, Unbound Roots. I received a nice little message from WordPress, the content management system I use to run my blog. It read: Happy Anniversary with! You registered on one…

An Easter Gift: The Ukrainian Gift Shop Experience

An Easter Gift: The Ukrainian Gift Shop Experience

Unbound RootsMar 31, 20187 min read

“I can’t wait to go to the egg store tomorrow!” my son exclaimed as he glanced at his calendar before settling into bed. “Mom, can we read Rechenka’s Eggs one more time before we go to the egg shop?” my…

“There’s An Opossum In The Chicken Coop!”

“There’s An Opossum In The Chicken Coop!”

Unbound RootsMar 3, 20186 min read

“Mom, Ayla was going after what looked like a chicken in our driveway.” my daughter explained as I was cleaning up the kitchen. It was 12:35am (yes, we are a late-night family), and my husband had just let the dogs…

To: Dad

To: Dad

Unbound RootsJan 24, 20186 min read

“I love him.” My son replied after I asked him what came to mind when I said “Grandpa Peterson”. “I do too, buddy.” Last November I wrote about my desire to write about two very important people in my life…

The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: The Weathered Farm

The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: The Weathered Farm

Unbound RootsJan 12, 20181 min read

Think of the things this farm has seen, the many people it has known, the storms the farm has weathered.

Christmas Memories: A Doll For Grandma

Christmas Memories: A Doll For Grandma

Unbound RootsDec 26, 20174 min read

Porcelain-white skin, lips tinted rose, eyes painted with exquisite detail. What would her hair look like? Long blonde locks that brush her ankles, two auburn-colored braids that playfully hang down from each side of her ball cap, or raven-black ringlets…

Tradition: A Swedish Cranberry Dessert

Tradition: A Swedish Cranberry Dessert

Unbound RootsNov 28, 20174 min read

Thanksgiving on the Farm As my family and I sat down at the table to celebrate Thanksgiving, I felt a warmth wash over me as I gazed around the room. Here we were, sitting around the table as a family…

Happy Birthday, Mom: Thank You for Being You

Happy Birthday, Mom: Thank You for Being You

Unbound RootsNov 12, 20179 min read

Since beginning my writing journey, I’ve wanted to write about two important people in my life – my parents. Today is my mom’s birthday, so what better time to tell you about this special woman. Mom, thank you for being…

Community: The Fellowship of the 1920’s to the Ghost Towns of Today

Community: The Fellowship of the 1920’s to the Ghost Towns of Today

Unbound RootsOct 3, 20178 min read

This period between 1923 and the early thirties seems to me was the end of a rich community fellowship, the parties, and the ball teams of which each community had one… It was the end too of meetings at Larson’s…

Grandma: A Guest Post

Grandma: A Guest Post

Unbound RootsSep 15, 20171 min read

A personal story about Grandma published on You Are Awesome.

A 1914 Ford Model T – Another Unbelievable Connection

A 1914 Ford Model T – Another Unbelievable Connection

Unbound RootsSep 13, 20174 min read

Cornerstone Last April I decided to dive into writing – something I’ve wanted to do for years, but the time wasn’t right until now. My kids are now old enough to be more independent, so I have an hour here…

It’s a Small World: Another Horse Connection

It’s a Small World: Another Horse Connection

Unbound RootsAug 17, 20176 min read

Last week I wrote about the special connection between horses and humans. That particular piece was one of the most difficult to start. How do I put a lifetime of passion and memories in one post? But, after I gathered pictures,…

The Horse: Why Do They Continue To Capture Our Hearts?

The Horse: Why Do They Continue To Capture Our Hearts?

Unbound RootsAug 8, 20179 min read

What is it about horses that capture the hearts of young children and adults alike?

A Wedding Miracle: Straight Line Winds, Selfless Friends, and the Ruach

A Wedding Miracle: Straight Line Winds, Selfless Friends, and the Ruach

Unbound RootsJul 23, 20178 min read

My family and I spent the day at the lake yesterday. Several other family members met up with us for a day in the water since the temperature was in the 90’s with high humidity. We all agreed that the…

Weaving a Story: A Journal, a Loom, and a Corn Cob Pipe

Weaving a Story: A Journal, a Loom, and a Corn Cob Pipe

Unbound RootsJul 20, 20172 min read

Some years, in the spring of the year, Mama would set up the carpet weave in the upstairs of the granary. This setting up of the weave took help, so Aunt Lizzie Falk would come out to help. Aunt Lizzie…

Sweet Clover, Summer Memories, and a Wildflower Bouquet

Sweet Clover, Summer Memories, and a Wildflower Bouquet

Unbound RootsJun 26, 20174 min read

As the kids and I took a walk down our road to the lake, the intoxicating smell of sweet clover, vanilla mixed with fresh-cut hay, permeated the air. Late June in Minnesota is when the summer wildflowers awaken and adorn…

Heartache in the Chicken Run

Heartache in the Chicken Run

Unbound RootsJun 19, 20177 min read

Last night the kids went outside with their flashlight after dark to look for night crawlers since it had rained earlier in the day. They collect night crawlers throughout the summer so they can use them for fishing. While the…

If Only The Walls Could Talk, What Would They Say?

If Only The Walls Could Talk, What Would They Say?

Unbound RootsMay 26, 20175 min read

If only the walls could talk, what would they say? In my introductory post of Westfalcon Farm I mentioned that one of the things that had an impact on my mother the first time she saw the old family farm was…

Mom’s Quick and Easy Homemade Tomato Soup

Mom’s Quick and Easy Homemade Tomato Soup

Unbound RootsMay 23, 20174 min read

By the middle of May, here in Minnesota, our average high is 70F. This weekend we had several inches of rain with temperatures between 40F and 50F. Now, I’m not one to stay inside on a typical day, rain or…

Chicken Coop With Run: Free Plans

Chicken Coop With Run: Free Plans

Unbound RootsApr 16, 20177 min read

On April 25, 2015 my husband and I packed up our kids and our dog, Brook (she travels with us wherever we go), and drove to pick up our very first one-day-old chicks. Our family had moved into our current…

The Farm: Moving Back To Their Roots

The Farm: Moving Back To Their Roots

Unbound RootsApr 12, 201711 min read

Have you ever had one of those “everything happens for a reason” moments that gave you the chills? Well, I have a story to share with you that still gives me the chills, and I truly believe that everything that…