My heart hurts, and the waiting is difficult.
Goldie is her name. My family names all of our chickens after flowers, and Goldie was named after the summer to fall-blooming perennial, goldenrod or Solidago. The bright yellow flowers on the goldenrod plant provide large amounts of nectar and pollen for butterflies, bees, and other insects. It’s a happy plant, so we felt it would be the perfect name for one of our friendliest chickens. Goldie brings us happiness.

As Goldie grew, we found that her name was perfect in more ways than one: never leaving my side as I worked in my perennial gardens, following me up and down the rows cleaning the worms up behind me as I tilled up a new garden area (with all the other chickens running terrified from the loud machine).
I’ll never forget watching Goldie run as fast as she could – half running and half flying – as soon as I carried a shovel into her view. When I proceeded to dig, Goldie would jump on top of the mound of dirt that had not yet left the shovel and scratch at the pile for any traces of insects or worms. I’m still convinced that she thought she was doing the digging.
I’m going to miss the comfort of my constant companion out in the gardens.
Goldie started laying shell-less eggs this past year. Her eggs contained the inner egg contents (white and yolk), and an outer membrane – no shell. Why? We are not sure. The layer feed we provide our chickens contains 4% calcium, which is the recommended amount of calcium for strong egg shells. We also provide free-choice oyster shells, so the hens who need more calcium can add it to their diets. Unfortunately, this hasn’t helped Goldie.
Two months ago, Goldie became ill after one of her shell-less eggs broke open in the oviduct. The issue was apparent from the color of her feces (the bright orange-yellow of a free-range chicken egg yolk). Goldie was quiet for two weeks, unable to fly up to her usual perch, and chose to lounge underneath the deck during the day. Little-by-little, she improved. This surprised our family, as we read that most chickens who have an egg break inside of them come down with a deadly infection within hours – not Goldie.
Goldie was back in the gardens in two weeks.
My family came home from vacation almost two weeks ago to find Goldie sick again with that same orange-yellow yolk leaking from her vent. Goldie returned to her coop-floor sleeping corner, she rarely left the underside of the deck during the day, and her comb seemed to droop a little lower. I knew something was really wrong about a week ago when I brought some of Goldie’s favorite kitchen scraps to feed the chickens, and she ran out to inspect them, but she wouldn’t eat them.
Goldie parked herself in the corner of the chicken run where she was sheltered from predators and weather four days ago, and this is where she remains. This time, the egg that broke internally was too much for her. Goldie rarely opens her eyes now, her breathing seems more laborious, and her left foot sits just outside her warm umbrella of feathers in the same position it was last night.
More than anything, I want to pick Goldie up and cuddle her to give her some comfort. Though, I know this would bring me more comfort than her. The chickens love to be around us, but like to stay on their own two feet; especially Goldie. So, I resist. Instead, my family and I continue to check on her every hour or two, talk to her in soft voices, and give her gentle pets on her back every once-in-awhile.
This evening the clouds finally broke after several days of showers and thunderstorms, so I went out to weed the garden. As I walked into the backyard I saw the kids holding some twine and sticks.
“What are you two up to?” I asked them.
“We are making Goldie a cross to put on her grave.” they replied.
I smiled and said “That is so thoughtful of you. Thank you.” But, what I wanted to do was cry.
I proceeded to weed the garden without Goldie by my side for the next hour and a half.
I miss her already, but the garden is ready for her.
When Goldie passes, she will be buried in the garden among the fragrant monarda, purple coneflowers, spikes of Russian sage, large hibiscus blooms, and yellow roses. Hummingbirds will visit her, bees will provide a constant buzz from dawn ’til dusk, monarchs and swallowtails will flutter in and around the flowers, and I’ll continue to weed the garden with her by my side.
My son walked up to me today and said “Mom, it’s hard. I don’t want Goldie to die because I love having her as a pet, but I don’t want her to suffer anymore.” The death of a pet is difficult. Goldie has been much more than just a chicken, she has been a wonderful pet, friend, and gardening companion.
We miss her already.
This bought tears to my eyes. Hope Goldie is soon at peace and you are all OK.
Thanks so much for stopping by, and sharing you kind words. Goldie passed this morning so she is now at peace in her garden. We are all relieved, and I’m sure she is too! Thanks again
Aw, I don’t know what to say, other than send you love
So sad xxx
Thanks so much for sending your love – I really appreciate it! Goldie is finally at peace in her garden, so we’re all relieved and I’m sure she is too. Thanks for stopping by! xx
Erin, having lost a loved feathered family member recently, I really feel for Goldie and your family. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Regards. Tracy.
Thanks so very much, Tracy, and I’m so sorry to hear of your recent loss. It’s never easy to lose our animal companions. Goldie passed this morning, so she’s finally at peace in her garden. We are sad, but thankful she’s not suffering anymore. Thanks for stopping by!
Sorry for your loss, Erin.
My thoughts are with you and your family. We too had a very loving fowl friend many years ago. He was a rooster named Chuck. He followed us everywhere in the yard, and spent his evenings sitting on the porch with us. Our friend came to a very unfortunate end, our cat Rascal ate him one day. Although they had spent lots of time together, playing even, nature eventually took over. Animals of all kinds touch our hearts.
Cherie, thanks so much for sharing your story. I love that you had a friendly rooster like that. There was a story on our local news last winter about a rooster that just showed up at this Christmas tree farm in southern MN and has become the farm mascot. The rooster loves the family and all of the visitors who stop by to buy trees in the winter. He’ll follow people anywhere. But, you are correct, natural instincts are tough to control in animals. I’m afraid my youngest dog may get a little too playful with a chicken some day.
Yes, animals are wonderful to be around. They bring us so much comfort, entertainment, and companionship. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment, Cherie!
I’m so sorry to hear Goldie isn’t doing well. She is a special chicken, and you are all such special people to love and care for her so. Your blog is so aptly named. Unbound roots not only spread far and wide, they also provide the foundation for something so beautiful to grow.
Thanks so much, Angela! The chickens have been a handful lately, but they’re definitely worth the hard times that go along with having them here with us. Goldie passed this morning, so she’s finally at peace in her garden. We are all sad, but relieved that she’s not suffering anymore.
As always, thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.
So, so sorry. Very sad, but what a wonderful job you’ve done preparing your whole family for Goldie’s death–invaluable life lessons.
Thank you for your kind words, Rebecca. I was just telling my husband that the chickens have been tough on us lately. A couple of sick chickens that needed a lot of hands on care, and now the death of Goldie (as of this morning), have been tough the last couple of months. We’ve definitely had our share of life lessons, but those little feathery birds are worth it! Thanks again!
Erin your story about Goldie was Beautiful what a tribute to Her
To all who read this blog about her she was a special And amazing chicken in so many ways
I will truly miss her
when I would come to take care of all my feather grandchickens
she was the one that always came to me first and the rest of them follow she was always happy& friendly she love Poeple and wanted to be by them ! we learn so much from animals that sometimes we don’t even learn from humans ! and I know she will live in your guys hearts forever !I love it that you put her in her place We’re She was happy and
and around you and the family
I’m so sorry that shes gone
she has taught us lessons in life also in death . rest in peace sweet Goldie girl grandma Burton
Thank you so much for your heartfelt words. Our chickens were lucky to have such dedicated and caring chickensitters whenever we were gone. Thank you! Goldie is in a much better place as of this morning. We are all sad, but relieved that she’s not suffering anymore. Thanks again! xx
I was really touched when I read this. I’m sorry this has happened to your friend. Animals become like part of the family. I’ve also learned something about chickens too. I had no idea that could happen.
I didn’t know this could happen either, Kirsty! Our feathered friends continue to teach us new things every day. I’m glad you enjoyed this post, and thanks so much for your kind words. You’re right! Animals do become part of the family.