Our run is very predator proof. We used 1/2″ hardware cloth on every opening from roof to below ground throughout the run. Yes, we even installed hardware cloth a few inches under the top soil to prevent predators from digging up into the run. My husband and I asked the kids if they had accidentally let Dahlia out of the run when they were going in and out of the run. They insisted that they had not. My husband grabbed the large flashlight and we all hurried out to the run. The kids and I waited outside of the run while my husband went in to inspect. He checked all the places that the kids had checked before he noticed that the screw-on lid to the five-gallon waterer was sitting cockeyed on the bucket. My husband lifted the lid and I heard him mutter “Oh geez.” He reached into the bucket, and slowly pulled out little Dahlia, wet, limp, and lifeless. My husband gently set Dahlia on the ground while he securely screwed the top back onto the waterer before returning to pick her up. I felt sick to my stomach, my daughter immediately cried out in terror as big crocodile tears fell down her cheeks, and my son walked away in a sort of skip, not knowing exactly what to do as he put his hands up on his head. The whole scene was heartbreaking.
Quite a few people have given me that smile with a short shake of the head after I tell them that all of our layers have names. I can’t help it. I love animals, and if they live with us, they are a part of our family. You see, each chicken has his or her own personality. Goldy (Golden Rod) is my gardening pal. She stays right by my side as I pull weeds, dig holes, or till up the soil in hopes that a big, juicy worm or bug will surface.
Rose is the boss of all of the hens, well, and sometimes the rooster too. She is also one of the first chickens to run to me at full speed when I call the flock.
Thistle was given her name by my husband when she started to peck at our hands and run away from us when she was just a few days old. These days, she seems to be an old soul who likes to sit by us on the deck when we relax at the end of the day.
Dahlia, sweet Dahlia, calm, quiet, and easy to hold.
As my husband held Dahlia, I ran into the house to get a towel and was back out in less than a minute. My husband notified me that Dahlia was still alive, but barely. I wrapped her in the towel and held her close to me as I carried her inside. She would move her head every once in awhile, but the breaths she was taking were short, shallow, and occurring every ten seconds or so. Close to death. One thing that struck me was how cold she was. Usually the chickens are like large heat packs when you hold them. As I felt her cold body in my arms, I was reminded of a story my mom had told me a couple of years ago.
Bud, the owner of the family farm prior to when my parents had bought it, had woken up early one morning to start on the farm chores when he noticed that a lamb had been born during the night. That particular night was one of those frigid Minnesota winter nights where the temperatures had dropped well below zero. The lamb was frozen solid by the time Bud had reached the little one. He wrapped the lamb up and gently held her under a heat lamp. Miraculously, the lamb had thawed, awoken, and went on to live a full life. Can you imagine? If this lamb survived, maybe Dahlia could survive.
By the time I walked inside with Dahlia, both of the kids had asked me a dozen times if she would be okay. As I looked down at her with her head drooping down, eyes closed, and barely breathing, I replied “You probably should start praying because we need a miracle.” Within this short time, my husband had gathered a large storage bin, put a few inches of pine shavings in it, and attached a heat lamp to the side. I gently laid Dahlia down in the bucket under the lamp and went to get a blow dryer. With the setting on low and cool (which is a lukewarm temperature), I began drying Dahlia’s feathers. We used the blow dryer for about a half an hour, making sure to dry around her neck, chest, under her wings, and back. Soon after, we noticed that Dahlia was trying to move her head a little more often, and she started to open her eyes sporadically. I warmed up a heat pack, wrapped it in a towel, and gently slipped it underneath Dahlia for additional warmth. After an hour of continuous warming, she began to shiver hard, and her breathing became deeper and more regular. Two hours after we found her, Dahlia started to pick up her head, look around, and she even attempted a few, weak chirps. Everyone in the family sat silently with Dahlia, observing and praying. We knew she wasn’t out of the woods yet, but we all began to feel a little hopeful.
Preparing to have Dahlia in the house for the night, the kids and I went downstairs to lay newspaper down and get the puppy gate set up on the basement floor. Everything we have read about chickens warns chicken owners to keep injured chickens away from the flock because other chickens will often peck or gang up on an injured chicken. Lady (Lady Slipper), another young chick, and Dahlia have become the best friends in the flock of new chickens, and I had a feeling that Dahlia may feel more relaxed inside if she could at least be with Lady, so I brought Lady downstairs to see if she would do well sitting with Dahlia. We stayed with the two of them for awhile to see if they would get along. Sure enough, Lady and Dahlia were very happy just resting inside. I woke up early in the morning to check on the chicks. When I peeked downstairs Lady and Dahlia were laying side-by-side, quiet as could be, in the early morning sunshine. Here we are, 24 hours after our horrible discovery, and Dahlia is doing very well.
As it turns out, two days ago, the kids had removed the top of the water bucket to get some water out for a “project” they were working on by their swing set. The top of the waterer hadn’t been securely screwed back on after their project, so it was loose on top of the bucket. Dahlia must have flown to the top of the waterer just to fall into a water trap. Lesson learned. We figured that she had been in the bucket for a couple of hours before we had found her. Even though Dahlia was on her last leg when we removed her from the bucket, she somehow managed to keep her head above water to prevent drowning. This shows the determination that any living being has when faced with life or death situations.
As we returned home tonight from our Father’s Day activities up at the cabin, my son ran right down to the basement, before the rest of us had even stepped into the house, to check on Dahlia. Before we knew it, he bounded back up the stairs exclaiming “Everything looks perfect!” My daughter looked up at me with a big smile and said “It looks like God gave us a miracle.” When we bought our first chicks a couple of years ago, we had no idea the joy, love, and at times, heartache our feathered friends would bring us. We do know that we love having them around us, and we are so very thankful that Dahlia is still with us today. Those chickens make our home a better place.
Wow I
life is precious and yes when you pray God answers our prayers he did have a miracle for you guys we are so happy Dalia is OK 
Cryed reading that whole experience
Thank you! <3
I’m glad everything turned out well! We once had a bantam roster we adopted who we found outside the cop in the winter, almost completely frozen. Miraculously, he also revived after a warm night by the fireplace. He was a cute little guy.
The things their little bodies can withstand are amazing!
What an amazing story!!!
Thank you, Ritu! xoxo
Such a wonderful ending to the story! <3
Thank you, Traci! I’m so happy it ended well. <3
So glad Dahlia ended up ok! What a heartwrenching experience! I, too, am an animal lover, and stories like this simultaneously break my heart and make me cheer.
Yes, you speak my kind of language. Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Becca!
What a lovely bunch of chicks!!
It’s lovely to hear that Dahlia was okay in the end.
Thank you, Josy! They are a so much fun to have around.
I’m a little in awe of this whole experience. Your kids get to see first hand what true love and care for other beings in nature looks like. While Dahlia’s story could have ended differently, you demonstrated how to deal with the complexities of life. By focusing on first things first, saving Dahlia, and worrying about accountability and lessons learned second, you taught a valuable life lesson. And even if the kids don’t quite get it yet–I sure did. Thanks for the story and I’m so glad to see the chickens happy and healthy again!
Thank you very much, Angela. Yes, our beloved animals have taught us many important life lessons (myself included). We sure love having them with us, but I never expected the heart attacks I get at least once a year. Last year the kids saw a Northern Goshawk mauling one of our chickens, just to fly off and leave the poor chicken on the brink of death. We had a family friend come over with her veterinary kit to stitch up the gashes that we left in the chicken. The kids were allowed to help stitch her up. Unfortunately, this chicken didn’t have such a happy ending. Life lessons of the not-so-easy type. I can guarantee that the kids will never play in the waterer again after what happened to Dahlia.
Thanks so much for reading and commenting, as always!
So glad this story had a happy ending! We have a backyard farm, as well, with two fainting goats and 4 chickens (we’ve had about 11 at any given time). Unfortunately, we had a small newborn (about a week or two old) fall into the goat’s water container and drown. It was a sad situation, but in spite of setbacks like that, the animals have been a blessing, and I believe, a great learning experience for our children.
Very true, Dr. Brown! Our animals teach our children all about compassion, respect, responsibility, sustainability, and of course life and death. Animals are a true blessing in many different ways. Also, we have been considering goats for awhile now. I love their playful attentiveness! I’ve heard that fainters are great pets. We were looking at Nigerian Dwarf goats for their milk production and smaller size. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
I just love a happy ever after. I would have Alpaca if our space allowed, but better to share other peoples mini farms than have your own and not be able to do it the best way for the animals.You are giving your family wonderful lessons that they won’t even realise they have had because it is made to be such fun.
Ellen, thanks so very much for reading and taking the time to comment! Yes, animals are great, aren’t they? And yes, they sure have taught us many life lessons. Most of all love, responsibility, and dependability. We all love having our feathery friends around us. x
Heartwarming tale. Glad she’s okay!
Thanks so much. We are too! It was a pretty surreal experience. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.
[…] can be endlessly entertaining, but also keep us on our toes – see another chicken adventure here. Do you have any animals stories that come to mind after reading this story? If so, I’d love […]