My grandfather’s cousin (I’ll call M) has always been an important part of our family. She has hosted family Christmas’, she attends all family birthday parties, and joins our family for many other gatherings. M is like another grandmother to me – how lucky I am.
For years, M has hand-painted watercolor cards for me, my children, and many others – all have been saved and treasured. In fact, my son’s most recent card from M sits proudly on his dresser as I write this post- he loves the owls.
Knowing how much my family appreciates M’s hand-painted cards, I thought I would try a few watercolor greeting cards of my own. Plus, what a great way to try new painting techniques. I referenced the good ol’ internet for quick and easy watercolor tutorials, and was drawn to a fun and sweet chickadee video demonstration by Wplus9 Design.
Here is the finished product – a Father’s Day card for my dad:
The video tutorial is a speed painting, but the steps are not hard to follow – especially when the user can pause the video to catch up when needed. If you’ve ever wanted to try watercolor painting, this video is perfect for beginners. You can check it out below:
I have completed two more cards since I painted the chickadee for my dad. The first was a painting of a mallard Imy grandfather – an avid hunter and fisherman.
The second is of a comical cardinal I painted today. This male cardinal will be sent as a thank-you card to my friend up in the Boundary Waters in northern Minnesota. She is a lover of wildlife and animals, so I thought this bright cardinal may bring some joy to her day.
These greeting cards take, on average, 30-60 minutes, so they can be done in very short order. Even though they are quick paintings, I find them fun and lively – perfect for greeting cards.
My greatest joy in my painting journey has been sharing my work with others. The cards I have received from M have made me smile for years. I hope I can continue this tradition, and spread the same joy to others.
Do you create handmade items for others, or have others done this for you? I’d love to hear about your experiences in the comment section below. Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
I especially love the chickadee. Makes me wish I was your dad.
Beautiful work.
Thank you, Martha! I’ll let my dad know that if he doesn’t care to keep the chickadee that I have someone who does.
The cardinal is most enjoyable! He looks like a bird with attitude! I look forward to your Watercolor Wednesday!
Thanks so much for your support! I’m so happy you look forward to my Watercolor Wednesday posts – they’re so much fun for me to put together.
Those are wonderful! I wish I had talent for visual art. But I do feel good when I manage a good letter to loved ones for their birthdays, etc. Even cursive writing is becoming a lost art I guess!
Rebecca, hand written letters are the best, and something that’s not done frequently anymore. I’m sure your family treasures them.
Also, cursive is becoming a lost art. Too bad because handwriting can be so beautiful. I always wished I could write as beautifully as my grandmother once did.
We homeschool our young children, and I am teaching them cursive as they are interested in learning. The kids get frustrated when they can’t read birthday cards in cursive, so this gives them incentive.
Thanks so much for your comment, Rebecca!
Thanks so
I love your cards, especially the last one. How nice it must be to receive something someone has made especially for you.
Thanks so much, Tracy! I’ve always loved receiving cards from my grandpa’s cousin – very special.
They are just lovely. I have a fondness for birds. When I first got into mosaics, I did quite a few bird ones.
Oh, I love mosaics. I would love to see your work. Thanks so very much for your kind words.
Erin, if you go to the Art category on my blog (on my About page), you will be able to see some of my work.
Ooh, thank you! I’m going to check it out now.
By the way, I love the name of your blog!
Really love the simplicity of your cards. What CANT you do?
There are many things, Pat, but thank you. I’m having a lot of fun!
My friend hand painted my wedding invites. 250!! It was an amazing gift xx
Orla, what an incredible gift! Holy cow, I can’t imagine the hours it took. You have a special friend! x
Oh those are so pretty!!!
Thanks so much, Sheila! xoxo